神游那段很好, wandering from psychedelic to Coca Cola capitalism in Baudrillard’s desert of the real; the liveness of labor simultaneity in (post)socialist bureaucratic 开会 temporality;那个长长的走廊和不断打开的门印象很深;开头结尾那个噩梦惊醒的camera pan其实很有趣电视剧《悬崖》免费版这样打破传统叙事空间和pov的cinematography算不算ultrastable system对medium opacity的一种思考呢
1. 语速太快影响观感; 2. 有些词是阳性 有些是阴性 “生活”是中性; 3. "So they had created nothing...It's fine to want to rediscover the laws for human life, but how practical it must be to conform to existing ones. We gambled with the sources of life and lost."